Бесплатная Доставка по Европе (EU)*
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Flying Panels. How Concrete Panels Changed the World
Funfte Fassade. Moskau aus der Vogelperspektive
33.36€ 45.08€
Galina Balashova. Architect of the Soviet Space
Imprint of the Future. Destiny of Piranesi's City
Iwan Scholtowski. Architekt des sowjetischen Palladianismus
Japan. Architectural guide
London. Architectural Guide. Twentieth-Century Housing Projects
62.75€ 84.80€
Materials and Finishings. Construction and Design Manual
Modernity and Durability. Perspectives for the Culture of Design
Moon. Architectural Guide
62.75€ 87.15€
Moscow. Monumental Soviet Mosaics 1925 - 1991
New Human, New Housing. Architecture of the New Frankfurt 1925–1933
34.28€ 40.33€
Pekka Pitkanen. Concrete Modernism in Finland. 1927–2018
32.66€ 44.14€
Prefabricated Housing. Construction and Design Manual
58.80€ 75.39€
Private Shelters. Teaching Architecture During a Pandemic
31.51€ 42.58€
Rational Design of Structural Building Systems. Construction and Engineering Manual
Rural Utopia and Water Urbanism. The Modern Village in Franco's Spain
Shrinking Cities in Romania (количество томов: 2)
29.41€ 39.74€
Space Architecture. Human Habitats Beyond Planet Earth
56.91€ 76.91€
Spying on Moscow. A Winged Guide to Architecture
27.16€ 36.70€
Stalin's Architect. The Rise and Fall of Boris Iofan
Sub-Saharan Africa. Architectural Guide (7 volumes) (количество томов: 7)
The Cool and the Cold. Живопись США и СССР 1960–1990 годов. Коллекция Людвигов
The History of Architecture. From the Avant-Garde Towards the Present. A Comprehensive Chronicle
61.46€ 90.38€
The Lost Last Words of Mies van der Rohe. The Lohan Tapes from 1969
26.35€ 35.60€
The Melnikov House. Icon of the Avant-Garde, Family Home, Architecture Museum
34.38€ 46.46€
Treehouses. And Other Modern Hideaways
Tunis. Architectural Guide
Ukraine. Art for Architecture. Soviet Modernist Mosaics 1960 to 1990
Unfinished Metropolis (количество томов: 2)
43.39€ 51.05€
Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Strategies and Practices
Абдула Ахмедов. Философия архитектурного пространства
56.32€ 66.26€
Берлин. Архитектурный путеводитель
Венеция. Архитектурный путеводитель
Дом Мельникова. Шедевр авангарда, жилой дом, архитектурный музей
48.99€ 66.21€
Жилищное строительство в СССР 1955–1985. Архитектура хрущевского и брежневского времени